Playitas Nature

How To Be a Triathlete

How To Be a Triathlete:

A sustainable mindset and the mission to become more and more sustainable is very important to us!

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Playitas Nature
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A sustainable mindset and the mission to become more and more sustainable is very important to us!

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Make a difference, make a change!
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At Playitas Resort we have taken simple and effective steps to reduce energy and water consumption that you are using during your vacation.


We have been rewarded with the gold medal by Travelife for our commitment to improve a sustainable way of going on holiday.


One of the factors taken into account is our mission to recycle paper, use less plastic and look for organic materials that we can use for several purposes throughout the resort.


We are thankful for our understanding guests who want to help us to achieve more and more!


Watch here our Playitas Nature video!


To learn more about our sustainability policy, objectives and plans of action, take a look at our annual Sustainability Report, or our information panel located in the hallway outside the Olympic pool.

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Green Buddy
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The Green Buddies Concept is a sustainable initiative of DER Touristik Hotels & Resorts that encourages guests to opt for less frequent cleaning of their rooms to conserve water and chemicals.


The Green Buddies are made by the AECC (Spanish Association Against Cancer in Fuerteventura), which offers comprehensive care to patients and their families, including psychological, social, physiotherapy and nutritional support services. These services aim to improve quality of life and promote social and environmental awareness. 


The Green Buddy can be purchased for €9.50 at the reception, thus supporting the work of the association and promoting environmental awareness in the community.

The goat is an emblematic symbol of Fuerteventura due to its historical role in livestock farming and its adaptation to the island's dry and warm climate.

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Playitas Resort is committed to sustainability and is proud about the 2023 renewal of the Travelife for Accommodation Gold certificate for our commitment on various levels:

  • Minimizing our environmental impact
  • Improving the economic and social impact for the people in our communities
  • Respecting and protecting human rights and fair labor practices
  • Protecting the welfare of animals and biodiversity
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Be part of our mission!
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  • Buy locally produced goods.
  • Choose local made handcrafts and souvenirs. Verify beforehand that excursions involve local suppliers.
  • Instead of taking a bath have a quick, refreshing shower.
  • Reuse bath-, pool- or beach towels instead of changing them every day.
  • Set the thermostat or turn off the heating or air conditioning.
  • Turn off the lights and the TV when you leave the apartment (do not leave TV on stand-by).
  • Use ecologic bags instead of plastic bags - You can buy them in our supermarket.
  • In case of buying bottled water, we recommend you choose large bottles (2l/5l).
  • Use the Resort's recycling stations.
  • Don’t buy products made from wild plants or endangered animals.
  • Use public transport, cycle, or walk to reach your destination when possible.
  • Help us with our solidarity cause to collect “plastic caps for a new life”!


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How can you help?
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Be part of our mission!
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Recycling is one of our main missions at Playitas Resort!


We want to make commitments to take the necessary measures for the progressive reduction of the environmental impact generated by our activities.


The following principles are our guidelines for a cleaner and more sustainable lifestyle:

Recycling policy for customers and staff at Playitas:


  • Yellow Containers: polystyrene trays, plastic bags, plastic containers, transparent film, cans, beverage cans, foil and metal lids.
  • Green containers: glass bottles, glasses, glass jars.
  • Blue bins: paper bags, cardboard boxes, cartons, egg cartons, books, paper towels, newspapers, magazines and envelopes.
  • Black bins: organic waste.
  • Containers for used batteries are available in both receptions.
  • Recycling plastic bottle tops in special containers "plugs for a new life" (Reception, Golf, Swimming Pool, etc.)
  • In the kitchens cooking oil is recycled by an authorized company.
  • Playitas Resort is registered in the Register of Small Producers of Toxic and Hazardous Waste Directorate General for Nature Protection, as provided in Decree 51/1995 of 24 March 1995.
  • For different types of residues from the above mentioned which cannot be deposited in the usual containers for light packaging, paper and glass we have a service contract with a licensed waste separation and recycling of solid waste company who offer and maintain a storage box which is collected as required.
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Playitas Recycling Policy
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Playitas Nature
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